Friday, May 29, 2009

Palåbran 05/29/09: Yanggen

Yanggen (DZANG-gen): (adverb, conjunction) If, when (usually used to connect clauses or phrases).

Note: This is a conditional marker used when the outcome has not occurred. "If" something might happen, and "when" something might happen use the same word. When the outcome has already taken place, we use the word "annai."


"Ga'chungi yo' para i gipot, yanggen malago' hao." = "Accompany me to the party, if you want."
"Yanggen guåha sålåpe'-hu, bai hu fambåkåsion." = "When I have money, I will go on vacation."
"Yanggen muñangu hao agupa', munga maleffa ni sunblock." = "When/If you go swim, don't forget the sunblock."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Palåbran 05/28/09: Pangon

Pangon (PA-ngon): (verb) To wake (someone) up, rouse (someone)--from sleep, awaken.


"Pangon fan i che'lu-mu." = "Wake your brother up please."
"Munga bumurukento sa' un pangon i neni." = "Don't be noisy because you'll wake up the baby."
"Ha pangon yo' i tilifon gi chatanmak." = "The phone woke me up in the early morning."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Palåbran 05/27/09: Ekungok

Ekungok (EH-coo-nguk): (verb) Listen to, harken, give heed, yield to advice.


"Hu ekungok i estoria gi rediu." = "I listened to the story on the raido."
"Ti ya-ña umekungok si Juan." = "John doesn't like to listen."
"Munga umekungok i chinatfinu'e-ña." = "Don't listen to his bad mouthing."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Palåbran 05/26/09: Dulok

Dulok (DO-look): (verb) Bore, stab, puncture, perforate, penetrate.


"Ha dulok yo' i enfetmera." = "The nurse gave me a shot."
"Mådulok i papet ni låpes." = "The paper was punctured by the pencil."
"Adahi na un dulok i sinahguan yanggen un baba i paketi ni se'se'." = "Careful that you don't stab the contents when you open the package with the knife."

Monday, May 25, 2009

Palåbran 05/25/09: Måtuhok

Måtuhok (mah-TOO-hook): (adjective) Sleepy, drowsy, half asleep, falling asleep.


"Måtutuhok yo' gi chalan." = "I was falling asleep on the road."
"Ti ya-ña mumaigo'ñaihon solu måtuhok gue'." = "She doesn't like to nap unless she's sleepy."
"Kao måtuhok hao gi egga'an?" = "Are you drowsy in the morning?"

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Leksion Chamoru: Betbon "man" siha ("Man" verbs)

Chamorro verbs are distinguished by whether or not they must take on an object. I call these verbs either "um" verbs or "man" verbs. Here we will look at the "man" verbs.

"Man" verbs are the verbs that have direct object associated with them. Here are some examples of "man" verbs:
  • Taitai = to read (something)
  • Hongge = to believe (something)
  • Espiha = to search for (something)
  • Sugon = to drive
  • Fa'tinas = to make (something)
These verbs always have an understood direct object, even though they sometimes appear without an explicitly stated object. Meaning, one can "read," but it understood that the person is "reading something."

This is where the grammar gets a little tricky. Chamorro constructs sentences differently depending on whether the direct object is definite or indefinite.
Note: In general, the root verb (alone or "conjugated") connotes a completed or past action, and the progressive actions is obtained by duplicating the penultimate (2nd to last) syllable.
  1. Definite Construction:
    This construction is identical to the construction of an English sentence. You take a hu-type pronoun, follow it by the verb, then follow the verb by the object (with appropriate article if applicable). Here are some examples:
    • Hu taitai i lepblu. = I read the book.
    • Ha hongge yo'. = She believed me.
    • Ma espipiha i tenda. = They're looking for the store.
    • Un susugon i kareta. = You are driving the car.
    • In fa'tinas i na'-måmi. = We (exclusive) made our (exclusive) food.

  2. Indefinite (Generalized) Construction:
    It is almost a misnomer to call this form "indefinite." While it is used when the direct object carries an indefinite article, it is also used when the object is generalized. I.e., it is used when is in a general form ("some" books vs. "the" or "a" book), or when there is no object necessarily associated.
    To do this in the singular case we take the root verb and add the indefinite object marker prefix man- to the front, then follow it with an appropriate yo'-type pronoun, then the direct object (without an article).
    For the plural case, we take the singular form (with the man- attached) and add the pluarl subject marking prefix man- to it, then follow the verb by the appropriate yo'-type pronoun, then the object (without article).
    Here are some examples to help bring it together:
    • Mananaitai yo' lepblu. = I am reading a book.
    • Manmanhongge hit gi as Yu'us. = We (inclusive) believe in God.
    • Manespiha gue' tenda. = He looked for a store.
    • Mañugon gue'. = He drove (assumedly a car).
    • Manmama'titinas siha na'Chamoru. = They are making Chamorro food.
I hope I didn't confuse the subject too much, let me know if I could make improvements to this. :-)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Palåbran 05/22/09: Chålan

Chålan (CHAH-lan): (noun) Road, highway, street, path.


"Adahi i chalån-mu na un abak." = "Watch your path so you don't get lost."
"Ti ya-hu mamokkat gi eyu na chålan sa fache'." = "I don't like walking on that road because it's muddy."
"Gof bårånka enao na chålan." = "That road is very bumpy."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Palåbran 05/21/09: Ñålang

Ñålang (NYAH-lang): (adjective) Hungry, feeling hunger, marked by lack of food.


"Måtai ñålang yo'." = "I'm starving (dying of hunger)."
"Kao ñålang hao?" = "Are you hungry?"
"Ni ñålang gue', lao sisigi gue' bumoka." = "He's not even hungry, but he keeps eating."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Leksion Chamoru: Betbon "um" siha ("um" verbs)

Chamorro separates verbs into two categories: "um" and "man." For now we'll focus on the "um" verbs.

"Um" verbs are those that do not necessarily have an object associated with them. Some examples of "um" verbs would be:
  • Hånao = to go
  • Såga = to stay
  • Kånta = to sing
  • Li'of = to dive
  • Ñangu = to swim
  • O'mak = to shower
  • Chocho = to eat
While some "um" verbs like chocho might sometimes have an object associated with them, they do not need an object to make sense. One can "eat food," but one can also simply "eat."

When the sentence has no direct object and a singular subject, you simply add the infix -um- before the first vowel of the verb, and follow the verb with a yo' type pronoun. If the subject is plural, you add the prefix man- before the root verb, and follow it with a yo' type pronoun.

Note: Sorry to throw an extra concept in here, but simply adding the -um- or man- to the verb usually connotes a completed or past action, to produce a progressive action the penultimate (2nd to last) syllable is duplicated.

Here are some examples:
  • Humånao yo' para i tenda. = I went to the store.
  • Sumåsåga gue' giya Ye'ña. = She's staying/lives in Yona.
  • Mangånta siha. = They sang.
  • Lumili'of hao gi ladera. = You (singular) were diving from the cliff.
  • Manñangu hamyo gi painge. = You (plural) swam last night.
  • Umo'mak yo' esta. = I showered already.
  • Mañochocho hit. = We are eating.

Here's the complicated part... When the sentence has a direct object we consider two cases: definite object and indefinite object. When the object is definite you don't have to add anything to the verb. These sentences use a hu type pronoun, followed by the verb then the article and object. Luckily these types of sentences are rare, and some of them sound contrived even. E.g.:
  • Hu kånta i kanta. = I sang the song.
The other case is when the object is indefinite (or generalized). These sentences are formed exactly like the sentences without an object--using -um- and man- with the yo' type pronouns--followed by the object (usually without the indefinite article). These types of sentences are also infrequent, but here's an example:
  • Chumocho yo' pån. = I ate some bread.
Hopefully that sheds a little light on this type of verb :-)

Palåbran 05/20/09: Geftao

Geftao (GEF-tao): (adjective) Unselfish, selfless, having no regard for self, generous.


"Ma'ålok ha' na mampos manggeftao i manChamoru siha." = "It is said that the Chamorro people are extremely generous."
"Geftao si Rosa, an guåha gue', para ha nå'i hao." = "Rosa is unselfish, if she has something, she'll give it to you."
"Geftao si Jose ni salåpe'-ña." = "Jose is generous with his money."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Palåbran 05/19/09: Båli

Båli (Bah-lee): (adjective) Worth, value.


"Kuånto båli-ña?" = "How much does it cost (How much is its value)?"
"Ti båli finahan-hu." = "The thing I bought isn't worth it."
"Tåya' gumaiya i taibåli na taotao." = "No one likes/loves a worthless person."

Monday, May 18, 2009

Palåbran 05/18/09: Ette

Ette (ET-tee): (verb) Touch (slightly), perceive by feeling, barely touch.


"Munga ma'ette enao na ålåmle na un gini'ot." = "Don't touch (slightly) that wire by you or you'll get shocked."
"Adahi na un ette eyu na tinanom na un pinago'." = "Be careful not to touch (lightly) that plant or you'll get a rash."
"Inette gue' ni minaipen la'uya ya tininu." = "She was slightly touched by the hot pot and got burned."

Friday, May 15, 2009

Palåbran 05/15/09: På'go

På'go (PAW ' - goo): (adverb) Now, today, at the present time.


"Para månu hit på'go na hå'åni?" = "Where are we going today?"
"Kao para en hanao på'go pat gi despues?" = "Are you all going now or later?"
"På'go guåha tres na taotao guini." = "There are now three people here."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Palåbran 05/14/09: Fotte

Fotte (FOT-tee): (adjective) Lusty, robust, powerful, strong--in taste, with power, lustful, energetic excessive.


"Gof fotte gimen-hu kafe." = "My coffee is very strong."
"Fotte pao-ña i flores." = "The flower has a powerful scent."
"Fotte i pinañiti-ña." = "He punches hard (has a strong punch)."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Palåbran 05/13/09: Kulolo'ña

Kulolo'ña (coo-low-LO'-nya): (adverb) Especially, specially, all the more.


"Kulolo'ña mas låtga hao anggen riku hao." = "You'll especially spend too much if you're rich."
"Kulolo'ña mas bunita anggen ha kå'leng gue'." = "She'd all the more be pretty if she would fix herself up."
"Månnge' sumåga giya Hawai'i kulolo'ña yanggen meggai sålåpe'-mu." = "Staying in Hawai'i is fun especially if you have lots of money."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Palåbran 05/12/09: Hå'åni

Hå'åni (haw'-AH-knee): (noun) Day, day light, day time.


"Gof bunitu na hå'åni på'go." = "Today is a beautiful day."
"Mambåkåsion ham tres na hå'åni." = "We vacationed for three days."
"Ngai'an i ha'ånen tåta?" = "When is Father's Day?"

Monday, May 11, 2009

Palåbran 05/11/09: Ina

Ina (EE-na): (verb) Illuminate, spot with light, shine on.


"Hu ina i chalån-hu ni kandet." = "I illuminated my path with a light."
"Ha ina i patgon i ga'-ña ga'lågu ni flashlight." = "The kid shined the flashlight on his dog."
"Ina i tinaitai-mu, sa' homhom." = "Shine a light on the thing you're reading, because it's dark."

Friday, May 8, 2009

Palåbran 05/08/09: O'mak

O'mak (OH'-mack): (verb) To take a shower, to bathe.


"Kao umo'mak hao esta?" = "Did you shower already?"
"Umo'mak yo' gi painge." = "I showered last night."
"Para u o'mak åntes di humånao." = "She will shower before going."

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Palåbran 05/07/09: Afagao

Afagao (a-FA-gao): (adjective) Hoarse, husky voice, harsh voice.


"Kao målångu hao, sa' kalan kumeke'afagao hao?" = "Are you sick, because it like you're getting hoarse?"
"Afagao gue' sa' duru ume'essalao." = "His voice became hoarse, because he was yelling hard."
"Ti siña hu kuentusi hao sa' afagao yo'." = "I can't talk to you because I'm hoarse."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Palåbran 05/06/09: Ñateng

(NYA-ting): (adverb) Slow, not hasty, slow-witted.


"Ñateng gue' na taotao." = "He's a slow person (witted or physically)."
"Ai na miñateng i kareta ni hu tattiyi." = "Wow that car I was following was slow."
"Gof ñateng chumachachak gue' i gellai." = "She was chopping the vegetables very slowly."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Palåbran 05/05/09: Mampos

Mampos (MAM-pus): (adverb) Very, extreme, exceeding great, greatest, of the highest degree.


"Mampos måtå'pang gue' na påtgon." = "He's an extremely silly child."
"Munga må'akachayi gue', sa' dilikao gue' mampos." = "Don't tease her, because she's exceedingly delicate (sensitive)."
"Mampos mames i gimen-mu chå, fa'na'an gumimen hao asukat." = "Your tea is super sweet, it's like you're drinking sugar."

Monday, May 4, 2009

Palåbran 05/04/09: Ya-

Ya- (DZA-): (verb) Like, be attracted towards, have a liking for, wish for, enjoy. (Must use with one of the possessive pronouns.


"Kao ya-mu i na'Chapones?" = "Do you like Japanese food?"
"Ti gof ya-hu låguanå." = "I don't really care for soursop (fruit)."
"Yan-ñiha hao." = "They like you."

Friday, May 1, 2009

Palåbran 05/01/09: Essitan

Essitan (ESS-see-tan): (verb) To joke, to jest, to have wit.


"Busta umessitan fan." = "Stop joking around please."
"Ume'essitan si Juan." = "John is joking around."
"Hu essitåni gue' gi tenda." = "I played a joke on him at the store."