Monday, February 17, 2014

Programan Diksionarion CHamoru para Android

Buenas yan håfa adai todos!

I just want plug a new Chamorro Dictionary app on the Google Play store. It's a really simple and comprehensive dictionary app for Android systems, which will allow you to search terms in English and Chamorro.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Palåbran 01/25/2014

Såkkan (SOCK-can): Year; season--for planting or harvesting.

Note: The words åñu (year) and tempo/tiempo (time, season) are the borrowed from Spanish, and can be interchanged with såkkan, especially when used for specificity.

"Na'listu i talåya yan i lagua' sa' esta måtto i sakkan mañåhak." = "Prepare the throw net and scoop net, because it's already mañåhak (juvenile rabbit fish) season."
"I primet na såkkan, ma silebra i ha'ånen mafañagu-ña gi tasi." = "The first year, they celebrated her birthday at the beach."
"Tåya' lemmai, sa' trabiha ti sakkån-ña." = "There are no breadfruit, because it's not yet it's season."