Monday, November 5, 2012

Palåbran 11/05/2012: Må'gas

Må'gas (MAH'-gas): Boss, master, superior, foreman, manager, be master.


"Mångge ma'gås-mu?" = "Where is your boss?"
"I ma'gas ha deskuentåyi yo' ni finahån-hu." = "The manager gave me a discount on my purchase."
"Båba gue' na må'gas, sa' ti ha na'fandeskånsa i emplehao-ña." = "He's a bad boss, because he doesn't let his employees take a rest."

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Palåbran 09/14/2012: Saina

Saina (SIGH-na): Parent, elder.

Note: Saina also shows up as Asaina, and can be used for "Lord" as in "Lord God." The plural of saina is mañaina.

"Hu bisita i saina-hu gi gimå'-ña." = "I visited my parent/elder at his/her house."
"Sumåsaga i dos mañaina-hu gi sanlagu." = "My two parents are living/staying stateside."
"Hånao ya un åmen i mañainå-mu siha fine'nena." = "Go and show respect to your elders first."

Monday, July 23, 2012

Palåbran 07/23/2012: Kalaktos

Kalåktos (ka-LUCK-tus): Sharp, keen, acute.

"Adahi sa' kalåktos ennao na se'se'." = "Be careful because that knife is sharp."
"Hu guåsa' i fesiños sa' ti kalåktos." = "I sharpened the hoe because it wasn't sharp."
"Usa fan i mås kalåktos na machete." = "Use the sharpest machete."

Usually, kalåktos is reserved specifically for the keen edge of something, but I've also heard it used in another way:

"Gof kalåktos i palabrå-mu." = "Your words are sharp/to the point/harsh."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kåntan Chamoru: Kao Guåhu Ya-mu (J.D. "Crutch")

Thanks to Sue Quitano who did the bulk of the work figuring out the lyrics and translating them. The chords I put here are very simple and not exactly what you hear in the recordings, but they're close enough to sing along to.

Kao Guåhu Ya-mu
as J.D. "Crutch"

    [G]                   [C]                    [G]
Ai neni, ya-hu lokkue' na un na'klåru
      [G]                       [D]       [G]
kao guåhu ya-mu pat guåha otru,
(Oh baby, I'd like you to make it clear
if it's me you like or if there's another,)

   [G]                                [C]               [G]
Sa' hu tungo' na hagas lokkue' i payon-mu
    [G]                                   [D]                     [G]
an håfa para un cho'gue, un cho'gue malago'-mu,
(Because I know it's been your habit that
if you're going to do something, you'll do what you want,)

       [G]                             [C]     [G]
Lao, neni, komprende fan nai på'go
     [G]                  [D]               [G]
sa' esta ha' guåha, neni, asaguå-mu.
(But, baby, now please understand
because you already have a husband, baby.)

         [G]                        [C]                  [G]
Ya hu tungo' ha' ta'lo na makkat para hågu
   [G]                 [D]                 [G]
para un tulaika, neni, siniente-mu,
(Again I know that it's hard for you
to change, baby, your feelings,)

     [G]                         [C]           [G]
Sa' guåhu, magåhet, hågu hu guaiya
    [G]                      [D]         [G]
ya eyu yo', neni, na matulalaika.
(Because me, really, it's you I love
and that is why, baby, I've been changing.)

       [G]                  [C]            [G]
Pues hasso neni ya un komprende
     [G]                     [D]                [G]
na debi ha', neni, di guåhu un atende,
(So remember, baby, and understand
that it's me, baby, that you should be with,)

     [G]                       [C]             [G]
Sa' guåhu ilek-mu, neni, asaguå-mu,
    [G]                   [D]                  [G]
ya guåhu ai hågu, neni, guinaiya-ku.
(Because it's me you said, baby, your husband,
and me, oh it's you, baby, my love.)

        [G]                         [C]                    [G]
Pues puedi ha' mohon, neni, un komprende
        [G]                       [D]             [G]
na siakåsu yo' lachi munga ma'atende,
(So I hope, baby, that you understand
that if I'm wrong just ignore it,)

     [G]                   [C]             [G]
Sa' hågu, neni, yo' muna'pininiti,
     [G]                          [D]                   [G]
ya' gos makkat, neni, para hu komprende.
(Because it's you, baby, that hurt me,
and it's hard, baby, for me to understand.)

      [G]                            [C]              [G]
Lao guåhu masångan lokkue' asaguå-mu,
     [G]                      [D]               [G]
ya hunggan, neni, hågu i mås ya-hu.
(But also, me, your so-called husband,
and yes, baby, it's you I love the most.)

     [G]                      [D]               [G]
Ya hunggan, neni, hågu i mås ya-hu
     [G]                      [D]               [G]
ya hunggan, neni, hågu i mås ya-hu.
(And yes, baby, it's you I love the most,
and yes, baby, it's you I love the most.)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Leksion Chamoru: Yanggen/anggen/an/annai (If and when)

In Chamorro when we want to say "when" we have a few different ways to say it. There is the word "ngai'an," but that is strictly used in questions, and we can discuss it in another post. For now let's focus on the words "annai" and "anggen."

"Annai" simply put is "when."
  • Maigo'ñaihon yo' annai umåsson yo' gi sofå.
    •  I took a nap when I laid down on the sofa.
  • Annai humånao yo' para i tenda hu fåhan i pån.
    • When I went to the store I bought the bread.
  • Taigue hao gi gimå'-mu gi annai måtto yo' guihi.
    • You weren't at home when I arrived there.
Chamorro (English as well) has another form of the word, namely "anggen." Many times we translate this word to "if" in English, but it is really the conditional, uncompleted form of "when" ("annai"). All that means is that when you want to say "if," or "when" in the future, you use "anggen," or it's shortened form "an." If we alter the examples above we can begin to see the difference.
  • Bai maigo'ñaihon, anggen umåsson yo' gi sofå.
    (Bai maigo'ñaihon, an umåsson yo' gi sofå.)
    • I will take a nap if/when lay down on the sofa.
  • Anggen humånao yo' para i tenda, bai fåhan i pån.
    (An humånao yo' para i tenda, bai fåhan i pån.)
    • If/when I go to the store, I will buy the bread.
  • Para un taigue gi gimå'-mu gi anggen måtto yo' guihi.
    (Para un taigue gi gimå'-mu gi an måtto yo' guihi.)
    • You will not be at home if/when I arrive there.
 The word "anggen" also shows up in other ways, "yanggen" and "an." Fortunately, "yanggen" is just the form of "anggen" that connects phrases or clauses, and can even be thought of as the contraction of the phrase "ya anggen." Also, "an" is once again the shortened form of "yanggen."
  • Ågang gue', yanggen ha oppe hao, kuentusi gue'.
    (Ågang gue', an ha oppe hao, kuentusi gue'.)
    • Call her, and if/when she answers you, talk to her.
  • Yanggen para un hånao mågi, sangåni yo' fine'nana
    (An para un hånao mågi, sangåni yo' fine'nana.).
    • If/When you are going this way, tell me first.
  • Chule' yanggen malago' hao.
    (Chule' an malago' hao.)
    • Take it if/when you want.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Palåbran 04/23/2012: Fa'maolek

Fa'maolek (Fa'-MAU-lick): Fix, repair, make good.

"Fa'maolek i grifu fan, sa' sume'." = Fix the faucet, because it's leaking."
"Kao siña un fa'maolek i karetå-hu, sa' esta mayuyulang." = "Can you fix my car, because it's already breaking down."
"Fa'maolek i pusision-mu fan... kalan påtgon mayute' hao." = "Fix yourself (appearance)... you're like a neglected child."

Monday, April 16, 2012

Palåbran 04/16/2012: Tife'

Tife' (TEE-fee'): Pick, break off--especially the fruit from a tree, vine, etc.

Note: Sometimes you'll hear tife' to mean "knock out a tooth" or "chip a tooth." The indefinite form of tife' is mamfe' or manfe', a contraction of the word manife'.

"Tife' fan tres na lemon." = "Please, pick three lemons."
"Munga matife' i lalanghita, sa' manggada'." = "Don't pick the tangerine, because it's still unripened."
"Ti ya-hu mamfe' mångga ni kannai-hu, maolekña bai fanggaole." = "I don't like to pick mangoes by hand, it's better to use a gaole (stick or pole for picking fruit)."

"Ti hu tungo' na gaisimiyas i fruta, ya kanna' ha tife' yo'." = "I didn't know the fruit had a pit, and it almost chipped my tooth."
"Hu tife' i nifen-ña i patgon." = "I pulled out the child's tooth."

Monday, April 9, 2012

Palåbran 04/09/2012: Håyi

Håyi (HA-dzee): Who (question word).

Note: When you need a pronoun in a question about a person, you use the word håyi. While mostly translated to "who" in English, it is sometimes also translated to "what" or "which," depending on the question.

"Håyi chumule' i yabi-hu?" = "Who took my keys?"
"Kao un tungo' håyi eyu na taotao?" = "Do you know who that person is?"
"Håyi umålok hao?" = "Who told you? (Who said?)"

"Håyi na'ån-mu?" = "What is your name?"
"Håyi na taotao?" = "What people?" or "Which person?"

Monday, April 2, 2012

Palåbran 04/02/2012: Chunge'

Chunge' (CHOO-ngee'): Gray hair, grizzled, white hair.

Note: Chunge' is also the name of the White Tailed Tropic bird.

"Ti bihu gue' lao esta chunge'." = "He's not old, but already has gray hair."
"Siña hu li'e' chunge'-mu." = "I can see your white hair."
"Ti chunge' i biha sa' sesso ha tinta i gapotilu-ña." = "The old lady doesn't have gray hair, because she always dyes it."

Monday, March 26, 2012

Palåbran 03/26/2012: Håfa

Håfa (HA-fa): What, question word.

Note: "Håfa na" is also a way to say "why." Also, håfa is used in many common greetings.

"Håfa adai!" = "Hi!"
"Håfa ga'chong!" = "Hello, friend!"
"Håfa tatatmanu hao?" = "How are you doing?"

"Håfa ennao?" = "What is that (by you)?"
"Håfa na klåsen guihan i kinenne'-mu? = "What kind of fish did you catch?"
"Håfa malago'-ña?" = "What does he want?"

"Håfa na ti ya-mu?" = "Why don't you like it?"
"Ha faisen yo' håfa na atrasao yo'." = "She asked me why I was late."
"Ti hu komprende håfa na ma cho'gue taiguihi." = "I don't understand why they did it like that."

Friday, March 9, 2012

Palåbran 03/09/2012: Ba'an

Ba'an (BA'-an): Wake up (late)--esp. in the morning, oversleep.

"Ba'an gue' gi egga'an." = "He woke up late this morning."
"An ti tåftaf yo' maigo', sempre yo' ba'an." = "If I don't go to sleep early, I'll get out of bed late."
"Atan ha', ba'an hao ya madingu." = "See! you overslept and were late (got left behind)."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Palåbran 02/23/2012: Påpa'

Påpa' (PA-puh'): Down, below, bottom, downward, beneath.

"Po'lo påpa' i gimen-mu." = "Put your drink down."
"Matatå'chong gue' gi papa' i tronkon niyok." = "He's sitting beneath the coconut tree."
"Gaige i laktos gi papa' patås-mu." = "The thorn is on the bottom of your foot."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Palåbran 01/18/2012: Gaige

Gaige (GUY-gi): Be present, stative verb, opposite of absent.

Note: Gaige is the definite form of guåha (there exists). You can also think of gaige as meaning " there."

"Gaige i yabi-hu gi hilo' lamasa." = "My keys are there on top of the table."
"Gaige si Juan gi eskuelå-ña." = "Juan it there at his school."
"Manggaige ham gi gima'-måmi." = "We (exculsive) were there at our house."

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Palåbran 01/14/2012: Tungo'

Tungo' (TWO-ngoo'): Know, be acquainted with, have knowledge of, recognize, distinguish, have knowledge.

"Kao un tungo' gue'?" = "Do you know him/her?"
"Ti hu tungo' na para un fåtto mågi." = "I didn't know that you would come here."
"Faisen si Rosa, sa' sempre ha tungo'." = "Ask Rosa, she'll know."