Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Leksion Chamoru: The prefix a-

A- is called the reciprocal prefix. It indicates that the action being done is to "each other" or "one another." Here are some examples of how it's used.

  • Chiku = To kiss someone/something.
    Achiku = To kiss each other.
    Here's the difference in a sentence:
    "Si Juan ha chiku si Maria." = "John kissed Maria."
    "Umachiku si Juan yan si Maria." = "John and Maria were kissing each other."
  • Guaiya = To love someone/something.
    Aguaiya = To love one another.
    For example:
    "Ha guaiya hao si Jose." = "Joe loves you."
    "Umaguaiya i dos." = "The two love one another."
  • Tungo' = To know.
    Atungo' = To know each other.
    So we get something like:
    "Hu tungo' siha." = "I know them."
    "Manatungo' ham." = "We know eachother." or "We are acquainted."
When you add a- to a word, it forces the primary stress to fall on the a-. This means that for the above words we would say them thus:
  • Achiku => A-chee-koo
  • Aguaiya => A-gwai-dza
  • Atungo' => A-too-ngo'

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